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The First Annual Eagle Way Art Contest!
We invited every student at St. Ethelreda to contribute some work of art to our contest, with the promise of "fortune and fame" for one lucky winner in each classroom.
We were overwhelmed by the great response we got to our contest. The creative entries we received from grades kindergarten through 7th grade were unbelievable. There is a strong creative fire burning at St. Ethelreda School to be sure.
Chanel B, Dejah W, and Mr. Bill were the judges. You see the winners and their work listed below. What you are missing is the incredible quality of so many of the entries that we received. It was a privilege to have so many students and teachers at St Eth contribute their time and energy to our fun contest.
This photo set includes all the works below and pictures of each winner receiving his or her prize!
Thank you to all the students who entered our contest. And thank you to the teachers for their help in motivating their students to do their best. Thanks and enjoy some of the best of St. Ethelreda!
Kindergarten contest: Color the fox
Winner: Kiriana
Judge comments: I like this one because it is neat and the colors pop out at me.
1st Grade Contest: Color the horse
Winner: Kelli G.
Judge comments: I like this one because it is neat, and I liked the use of the colors used.
2nd Grade Contest: Color Spongebob
Winner: Ariel R.
Judge comments: I like this one because it's neat and the colors go pretty together. It's different because lots of kids didn't color the ground.
3rd Grade Contest: Write a story or draw a picture
Winner: "A Hero is Born" by Elijah W.
Judge comments: This is a fun, simple story with a great picture accompanying it.
A Hero is Born
When I was walking down the street I heard something fall out of the sky. It looks like a rocket. When I open it I saw a baby.I took it home with me. Then I showed it to my Mom. She said we could keep it until we found its parents.
Years went by and nobody said that it was their son. Finally he became an adult. Then one day someone hit him. He became very strong, then found his true home at the police special ops.
4th Grade Contest: Write a story or draw a picture
Winner: "The Story of Mass" by Caron V.H.
Judge comments: This is an inspirational short story overflowing with positive feeling. The picture was wonderful as well!
The Story of MassMass begins when we all start practicing our song we sing when Father comes. He says, "Please stand." We start out with "In the name of the Father, and the Son, and to the Holy Spirit. Amen."
When I first came to mass I was amazed at the artifacts about Jesus. My Mom told me that mass was church, and it's on Wednesday and Sunday. So this is mass. How amazing!
the end
5th Grade Contest: Write a story or draw a picture
Winner: "Blue Witch" by Nyya W.
Judge comments: Most 5th graders submitted a story, but we were overwhelmed by the haunting, surreal picture of the blue witch!
6th Grade Contest: Haiku
Winner: "What am I?" by Jonathon R.
Judge comments: I like Johnathon R's poem because it describes a bee in a different way than most people describe it.
Yellow and black fuzz
Making honey for the queen
Live inside a hive
7th Grade Contest: Haiku
Winner: Untitled by Gregory T.
Judge comments: This is one of our very favorite entries of the whole contest. We talked about what the author is describing and each of us thought something different. It's amazing how much is packed into 17 little syllables.
Your eyes are in pain
If you stare too long you cry
Clicking all the time
Will there be an art contest next year? Stay tuned to The Eagle Way... we'll see you next year.